affiliate marketing course

Accelerated Affiliate Marketing Course – 5 Simple Steps to Start Affiliate Marketing Today

Accelerated Affiliate Marketing Course - 5 Simple Steps to Start Affiliate Marketing Today

Looking for an affiliate marketing course? Looking to discover the hidden and mysterious world of affiliate marketing? Are you looking to start your affiliate business from home, at your own pace?

You’ve come to the right place!

In this article I will explain the basics of affiliate marketing, the terminology you need to know, and how to get started today. I will also show you a little-known affiliate platform that is reliable and pays its affiliates without fail… 

You will learn who can do affiliate marketing, and many beginner’s pitfalls you should avoid. At last, you will discover the affiliate way that works in 2023 to develop a profitable business that will please your banker.

Let’s get started right away

Affiliate Marketing course 101 : What is affiliate marketing anyway?

Let’s start our affiliate marketing course with a definition. Affiliate marketing, often referred to as « Making money through affiliate marketing », is the process of recommending a product or service from company A to your friends, or fans, in exchange for a commission when a sale takes place. 

The idea has been around since the beginning of time! You know a craftsman who did a great job on your new roof. Your neighbor needs his roof redone too and he tells you about it.

You recommend the craftsman you liked. And as a thank you « for the gesture », the craftsman brings you champagne, chocolate and a well-stocked Christmas basket, maybe even a perfume for your wife.

Internet affiliate marketing has taken this proven marketing principle and made it digital. Today Company A is creating a public affiliate program. You sign up for their affiliate program. Then they give you a special affiliate link that you can post on your Facebook, or website.

Each customer who clicks on the link, goes to the company’s website and buys its product or service, is counted as your referral. Depending on the sales generated, you get a commission, aka. a fixed percentage that can range from 5% to 70% or even 90% in some cases.

The Myth: Does Affiliate Marketing Still Work today? 

Let’s dispel this myth right away! 

Yes! Affiliate marketing works for 3 main reasons:

1-Affiliate marketing is in the interest of Company A. Indeed, the affiliate system allows this company to attract a continuous flow of leads, that it can turn into paying customers. Instead of allocating 20% or 30% of its turnover for the marketing budget, which may or may not yield results, the Company A only pays commissions on actual sales.

This additional affiliate revenue would simply not exist without its affiliate program.

2-Affiliation is in the interest of the affiliate or the promoter. Indeed the affiliate has a network of relations, or a list of emails, or a big Instagram account who’s fans might be interested in the services of company A.

The affiliate system allows him to monetize his network and monetize his contacts in a positive way. And that is by recommending solid, reliable and good quality services. 

3-Affiliation is in the interest of the end customer. Indeed, without the affiliation system, the final customer may not even know the existence of such a service or such a unique product. 

On the Internet today the choice is huge, and each customer is overwhelmed with possibilities. He can not check all the services, and verify all the promises before buying. So having someone to help him filter the offers, to make comparisons and reviews for him, is a huge time saver. 

It can also be a money saver too. Because the final customer does not pay more for the service recommended by an affiliate. In general he pays the same public price, and in many cases, he pays a lower price if he goes through an affiliate.

Another irrefutable proof of the good functioning of affiliate marketing is for example the site which since its launch in 1994 has launched a popular affiliate program. This system now generates billions of dollars every month for Amazon. Its system has been in place for more than 20 years and works wonderfully.

Amazon is not the only one, Google uses it, Apple uses it, and all the major e-commerce companies use it.

Is it for you?  Who can do affiliate marketing?

Any individual or legal entity can do affiliate marketing. It’s not rocket science! And it doesn’t require a formal degree to start!

The goal is simple: Recommend solid and reliable services that you select, to other interested buyers who are looking for them.

An example outside the internet! Many real estate agents pay people who are bakers/hairdressers … to bring them properties for sale or rent. 

How can affiliate marketing be profitable for You?

We will talk in this affiliate marketing accelerated course mainly about the affiliation on the internet. The methodologies of working in affiliate marketing are diverse. It depends a lot on your skills and preferences.

-If you are good at writing for example, you can write review articles about the service you are promoting and include your affiliate links. If you are good at video, you can record videos where you review 3 or 4 competing services or products, comparing the pros and cons. At the end of the video, you recommend the best one, with your affiliate link of course. 

-You can also go further by creating your email list using a specific landing page. This way you gather interested people in your preferred niche. This could be organic gardening for example or stock trading niche. Then you send interesting and educational emails to your list with a call to action at the end to join the service with your affiliate link.

This is by far the most profitable method in affiliate marketing today! Because you can offer dozens of products or services to the same subscriber to your newsletter.

Tip! The platform Systemeio allows you to create landing pages for free, and allows you to send unlimited emails to your subscribers, for free within the limit of 2000 email contacts.

Sounds interesting … How can you start your affiliate marketing business today ?

Once you decide to go all in, the first step to start in the affiliate business is to find a credible and serious affiliate platform.

I recommend the Systemeio platform and in particular its « Marketplace » or affiliate marketplace, where you will find over 2074 new and recent up-to-date offers. 

This last criteria is immensely important : “Up-to-date Affiliate Offers”. Because there is no shortage of affiliate platforms, but new offers that are not 10 years old, and that have been viewed, and re-viewed again by your prospects, these offers are rare.

Specifically, you can sign up here in Systemeio Affiliate Platform.

Another great thing about Systemeio is that, unlike many other platforms, it does not require complicated registration, a zoom qualification interview and a monetary deposit.

Here are the 5 simple steps to start selling through affiliate marketing

1-Simply register here, give your name and email.

2-You confirm your email by clicking on the link sent to your inbox.

3-Then click on the direct link to the internal affiliate market here.

4-Select the offers that interest you. You will find here quite a few affiliate offers with a commission above 40%.  We’ll talk more about the lead generation and affiliate marketing process above.

5-Start promoting your affiliate product through free or paid methods (also explained below).

Where to find affiliate programs? And which affiliate platform to choose?

Affiliate programs exist everywhere. You have for example platforms like ClickBank, JVzoo, ShareASale, Systeme io, and many others. 

Accelerated Affiliate Marketing Course Where to find Great Affiliate Programs?
Accelerated Affiliate Marketing Course Where to find Great Affiliate Programs?

To find others, just google search for « affiliate platform » which will send you a bunch of links. 

Nevertheless, to start your journey in affiliate marketing, I advise you directly Systemeio’s platform, and this for these different reasons:

  • A reputable platform, which pays on time (unfortunately there are others who forget 😡 …)
  • A serious platform that uses a rigorous follow-up of the affiliate links with the help of emails of leads (in addition to cookies …)
  • Systemeio has a very large number of offers that you can promote and at different prices. You will find offers at $17, offers at $297, and other offers that go up to $1300 and even more.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg, because…

Systemeio Affiliate Platform Offers a Wide Range of Services at Low Prices

In addition to being an affiliate platform, System io is also a marketing service, a digital course hosting, a funnel builder, and an email sender … ALL in one!

  • For example, it allows you to create your landing page in order to capture emails for free. So you really build an asset! Your affiliate email list. This list is your war guarantee of future and recurring income.
  • It is estimated that on average each email contact in your list brings in $1 per month. So a list of 3500 email contacts will bring you on average $3500 per month in affiliate marketing. And if you are smart about it, you can double or triple this figure.
  • System io also allows you to host your email list, and to send unlimited emails for free (up to 2000 email contacts)
  • It also allows you to create a website if you need it and a blog to share your news with your subscribers for free. 
  • It also allows you to create a password-protected membership site to share exclusive content, videos, Pdfs, white papers with your hottest prospects
  • It also help you to launch your digital course, to host it for free and to sell it without taking any commission
  • You can also create your own private affiliate system for your course and become an affiliate yourself, the equivalent of company A in the example above! 
  • and many other automation options. 

All these features are offered to you free of charge as long as you do not exceed 2000 subscribers to your email list. But even beyond those 2000 subscribers, their pricing of $27/month is still very affordable.

Our detailed Systemeio Review article might interest you here

An affiliate link consists of an internet address of the affiliate company A, plus an affiliate ID. 

Always copy and paste your affiliate link carefully, so that the tracking software’s statistics are not distorted. 

An example of my Systemeio affiliate link for example:

You should also know that this affiliate link is directly connected to a computer code stored in your visitor’s web browser, called cookie. This cookie has a fixed lifetime. And, from one affiliate program to another, this duration changes.

To get the idea, let’s consider a true example!

Let’s assume that the cookie has a duration of 3 months (90days), and that your prospect clicks for the first time on your affiliate link on New Year’s Day, January 1st 2023.

If your prospect buys the service on February 5th, that is 35 days after the first click, then that sale is attributed to you, and you receive your commission. On the other hand, if the prospect buys the service on June 6, i.e. 6 months after his first click, the 90 days cookie expires and the sale is not counted.

Therefore, it is better to choose affiliate programs that have a long cookie duration. By comparison, the affiliate program of has a cookie duration of one day, only 24 hours! Systemeio’s affiliate program is set to 12 months in comparison!

Ok Jimmy, now I have my affiliate link. Where do I post it to get sales?

This is a crucial question that depends directly on your affiliate marketing strategy. And a strategy you must have! 

Take the time to think about how you are going to go about your affiliate business. It’s not complicated, but many people get it wrong. 

The most important thing in affiliate marketing is the traffic, aka. the visitors you will bring to your affiliate link. 

There are two ways to get visitors: The free methods, and the paid methods.

Free methods: In this case, you can post your affiliate link anywhere you can write a comment. For example in your favorite facebook group (in moderation 😉 ), on your Instagram account, in the description of your Youtube’s videos, or in your blog post. 

The problem with free methods is that they take time, and effort to create content. They are also limited in terms of numbers. Indeed, it is difficult to get 1000 visitors/day to your affiliate link using the free methods alone.

On the other hand, paid methods use advertising on social networks like Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, or advertising on the search engine Google itself. 

This way of doing things has a cost that must be taken into account, but it can allow you to generate 10,000 clicks/day on your affiliate link, or more without any problems.

As an example, a click on your affiliate link bought by advertising will costs you between $2 and 4 € in the USA, half that in the UK, and less in  Europe. Despite this, affiliate marketing can be a very profitable business. 

How? I’ll explain how in the following!

Affiliate Marketing Bonus: How to do affiliate marketing in 2023 and make big money!

The best strategy to adopt in 2023 is to couple the paid methods with email list building. This way you send your visitors to an email landing page, where you get their email contact first.

Then you can send them your affiliate offers by email. This reduces your advertising costs by 90%. In this regard, Systemeio offers you all the necessary services to succeed in this acquisition strategy: Building of your email landing pages, a solid and unlimited email sending system, efficient newsletter launching, creation and sale of your ebook or your own digital course…

How to make the most money possible in affiliate marketing?

Are you an ambitious person? This part is for you! 

If you’re targeting a long-lasting affiliate business that makes maximum money, I definitely recommend launching your digital course! Digital products, such as digital courses, are ideal products that sell easily, while helping your customers to solve their problems. They can pay big money!

The good news is that You don’t need to be a web developer to do this. Once again, Systemeio platform gives you all the necessary tools to host and sell your digital course for free. 

Indeed, its free account allows you to host all the videos of your digital course regardless of their weight. In addition, it allows you to create your own private affiliate system for this course.

Basically you become the Company A we described above, and you go to the other side of the cash register. You now own the product, and other people (the affiliates) will help you sell your product. You spend the time only creating a great product. The rest takes care of itself. This setup maximizes your earnings and allows you to be more profitable. 

So in the end, is the affiliate marketing business profitable?

Yes, the affiliate business is super profitable for two reasons. 

1-Once you’ve built your email list, you’ll have built a solid base that you can use 5 times, 10 times, 100 times.

In fact, every week you can send a new affiliate offer to your subscribers (some do it every 2 or 3 days!). As long as you write interesting emails that provide value, tips, information to your subscribers they will stay subscribed to your email list. And since you offer them your affiliate link in every email, the probability of clicking and buying a product increases day by day!

2-On the other hand, there are quite a few recurring payment affiliate programs you can take advantage of. What is this? You send a buyer once, and you get paid every month for this referral and as long as he is subscribed to this service, 5 years, 10 years whatever!

Imagine the potential if you sent 1000 buyers to this affiliate program! Even with a ridiculous commission of $10 per month and per buyer, you end up with $10,000/month without forcing yourself, without working 14 hours a day and without being a tech genius.

Final thoughts

Now you know everything, all that’s left to do is to sign up for Systemio affiliate platform that we recommend. And choose a product or service in the niche you like and start promoting your affiliate link! 

What do you have to lose? The service is completely free. Sign up to test the system and if you don’t like it you can always unsubscribe without paying anything.

And if it works? Well then a totally new adventure begins!

A propos de l'Auteur


Salut! C'est Jimmy. Je fais du digital marketing depuis 2010. Plus de 1887 Clients payants jusqu’à maintenant … J’ai hâte de l’arrondir à 2000 ;)
Mon pain quotidien c'est les formations numériques (+12 lancées) et les Tunnels de Vente. J’ai une agence de Marketing digital.

Je peux vous aider en Copywriting, Création de Tunnel de Vente, Optimisation des chiffres de conversion KPI, Publicité Facebook, Google Ads,

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