landing page builders

11 Contenders: 1 Best Landing Page builder. 7 Criteria for Choosing a Funnel Service that Works

11 Contenders: 1 Best Landing Page builder. 7 Criteria for Choosing a Funnel Service that Works

Looking for a good landing page builder? At a reasonable price, but also rich in features? In this article we compare 11 of the most advanced and popular landing page builders.

At the end of this article you will have all the tools to choose the best landing page builder today!

Let’s start.

What is a landing page builder?

A landing page builder is an online service , or a web platform that allows you to build a “landing page”, aka, a specific web page to capture your prospects’ contact information, their name and their email.

This allows you as an entrepreneur or self-employed person to build a list of prospects interested in your services and products. Why do this? Well, so that you can contact them again and again to offer and sell solutions to their problems or services in your area of expertise. 

In this article, we will see a detailed comparison between several powerful landing page builders, but before that, let’s look at some basic notions and some very important criteria to choose from in order to separate these different builders.

What is a good landing page?

The seasoned marketer’s answer to such a question is clear: “A landing page with a conversion rate above 50%. That’s it. That’s it!”

(The conversion rate definition: If we send 100 web visitors to the landing page, How many of them give their emails? 30% 50% 80% ?! ) 

However, this number is only a consequence. Let’s look at the best practice process to create a good landing page.

The ultimate goal of the capture page is to convert the maximum number of web visitors as leads, who have given you their email and/or phone number. In order to achieve this goal and after tens of thousands of tests of different formulas, marketing experts around the world have agreed on these 5 main elements of an effective landing page.

1-First, you must have a catchy title that speaks to your prospect’s apparent need and also to his secret needs and desires. It should promise a definite benefit in an easy and preferably quick way for that Prospect. Example: « How to learn the guitar in 90 days, without going to the music hall – The Clapton Method » 

2- A bulleted list that expands on this promise with three benefits that reinforce and explain how the lead will achieve the promised result, using lots of curiosity. Sell The Sizzle, Not The Steak! For our guitar course, we might say: 

  • Includes « 3 simple tips to practice your fingers like a pro and avoid false notes. »
  • How to choose the perfect guitar for your body type? The 3 essential body measurements you only need.
  •  Jimi Hendrix’s « Secret” method for memorizing notes without a notebook.

3- An image or a video describing the downloadable resource that you will exchange with your prospect if he gives his contact information. This can be a 3D image of an eBook, or a short video describing the free masterclass he will get… 

4- You need of course a contact form, where your prospects will enter their name, email and/or phone number. 

5-Finally, you need a clear call to action. This is the message that prompts prospects to take an urgent action, now. This can be a « I’m downloading my free ebook before the offer is withdrawn » button. There are only 3 ebooks/20 left. Or simply, “I want to learn Guitar”.

A good landing page builder should give you all the flexibility to create all these elements with ease. And it must allow you to change their size, font, color and most importantly their layout in the landing page.

3 Key factors to keep in Mind to optimize a landing page?

In order to optimize your landing page, and get qualified prospects to buy your offer, and a good conversion rate (aka, >40%), here are three criteria you should keep in mind: 

1- Make a design thinking « mobile visitors first ». This is the « Mobile First Design » concept. Indeed, your landing page builder must allow you to see in real time the design on a smartphone or a tablet. Every decision such as the font size of the title, the height of the video, the background color of the capture page for example, must be validated first on mobile browsers, i.e. Smartphone, and only then for desktop computers. Why? Because almost 60% of your visitors will view your landing page on mobile devices. Unbounce, Kartra, ClickFunnels and Systemeio services are the best in that category! Modifications on landing pages can be done down to the millimeter.

2- Landing pages must Load fast! Make sure your landing page loads quickly. I still see too often lazy entrepreneurs who spend thousands of dollars on a landing page that loads in 2 or 3 seconds. Avoid this! Invest in extremely light and optimized landing page builders. Your bank account will thank you warmly for it. 

Your landing page should not take more more than 0.8 seconds to load. Otherwise you’re throwing 30% or 40% of your advertising budget out the window! The Wix service, or WordPress for example are known to have long loading times, because of the multiple plugins that slow down the servers.

3-One cannot talk about landing page optimization without talking about A/B testing. What is it? It’s the fact of always always always always testing 2 versions of your landing pages and Never ever never never working with only one landing page! No exception here.

The difference between the two landing pages tested is usually minimal: like the wording of your title, or the image that is changed or the color of the call-to-action button. But the final result will always surprise you +30%, +120%, sometimes +300% on your conversion rate?

And no matter how much experience you have, you cannot predict the result with confidence. So your landing page builder must provide this essential A/B testing service to help you constantly improve your conversion rate day after day.

For example, a very reputable landing page builder like Unbounce does not give you access to AB testing in its first $90/month plan. While at less than $30/month, Systemeio gives you advanced AB testing.

Pay attention here! The difference between the top 5% of marketers in the world and the other 95% lies in this small detail: AB testing. All the top dogs in marketing test and test and test .. No exception! The 5% or the 95%? Your choice.

How to Build an Effective Landing Page Quickly?

If you are looking for a fast and effective landing page builder you need to pay attention to these 3 essential points:

-First, the language! If your English is average, choose multi-language landing page platforms. 

Forget about Kartra, Unbounce, Thinkifics, Kajabi who are only available in English. LearnyBox is bilingual French and English. Systeme io is the most powerful as it is available in French, Italian, Deutsch, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian and even Japanese. 

This small advantage increases tenfold when we have to contact the technical support to create our perfect landing page or profitable sales Funnel. « Do you spik French? » 😂

-Don’t create, use templates. You will build your landing pages 10 times faster, if your landing page builder provides templates, or pre-built templates that you can customize. And the more choices you have in these landing page templates, sales page templates, webinar page templates… the more time you save! 

Beware! Some builders regularly add new and up-to-date templates, while others are content with a library from 3 years ago. For example, Systemio and ClickFunnels platforms add new templates regularly. 

-Don’t be Alone! Another very important aspect of a great landing page builder is the user community. The more active members you have around your builder, the more relevant answers you will get for your questions and suggestions. Choose builders with an active public Facebook group. Clickfunnel and System io have the most active communities.

How to choose a landing page builder: Selection criteria 

There are other criteria to consider when choosing a landing page builder. 

Which landing page builder to choose: The Mass Email Sender Criteria
Which landing page builder to choose: The Mass Email Sender Criteria

1-First of all, the mass emailing system. Indeed, the purpose of the landing page is to capture the emails of Prospects, not to keep them in the fridge, but to send them prospecting emails, and sales emails. Those could be in the form of a newsletter and / or auto-responder. 

However, some landing page builders do not provide an email sending system. They simply allow you to design your landing page, and capture leads’ information. Full stop! Then you have to connect specialized email-sending-systems with additional costs in order to send emails to these prospects. An example? ActiveCampaign emailing service will cost you an extra $61/month for 2500 prospects.

So, which landing pages builders are allergic to a mass emailing system? You might ask. WordPress, Leadpages, Unbounce, for example, do NOT provide any. 

2-Another very important criterion is the availability of a free account. 

If we think about it, a landing page builder is a medium term investment, 3 to 5 years, or even more. Why? Well, because once your landing pages, your sales funnels are built, it becomes difficult to migrate all your biz to another service. 

So before deciding, it is essential to be able to test the service thoroughly! and check in particular that it adapts well to your needs, as we have indicated: the speed of page loading, the flexibility of the landing page editor, testing the mass emailing system…

Unfortunately, most landing page builders on the market do not provide a free account to test. Except for system io, Learnybox, Podia, the other platforms only offer you a 15 day trial period and you are billed right after.

3-Finally, the ultimate and ultra important criterion is of course the price of the entry-level account. Because this is where the adventure begins! 

Here is a quick overview of the rates for 11 landing page builders, from the most expensive to the cheapest.

ClickFunnels $149/month

Kajabi $145/month

Kartra $99/month

Unbounce $90/month

WordPress ~$80/month

LeadPages $49/month

Wix $49/month

Podia $39/month

Teachable $39/month

LearnyBox $29/month $27/month

Best Landing Page builder Contest: The contenders 

So who are the contenders for the title of the best landing page builder on the market in 2023? There are many! Here is our comparison and summary table of the 11 contenders to create your capture page and sales funnel.

Landing Page builder Comparison of 11 Squeeze Page builders
Landing Page builder Comparison of 11 Squeeze Page builders

Note: We have written several highly detailed articles on each of these builders. To access them, just click on one of the following links.

ClickFunnels Detailed Analysis, Kartra VS Systemeio Analysis, LeadPages VS Systemeio Analysis, Podia VS Systemeio Analysis.

Let’s move on…

A close look at the above summary table reveals the strengths and weaknesses of each platform. One platform in particular stands out: the service. A multi-language service, it has a powerful mass emailing system with all the advanced automations such as tags, workflows, 1-Click-Upsells.

It provides A/B testing features, as well as a light and optimized editor that allows excellent loading speeds of your landing page.

It is also one of the few marketing platforms that provide a powerful free account, which allows you to sell one digital course without any commission. 

On the other hand, it offers a very competitive rate compared to its competitors. Indeed, its « Startup » account at $27/month, is 3 times cheaper than for example and 5 times cheaper than ClickFunnels, with richer features. 

That’s why, we recommend this landing page builder to create your landing pages and your sales funnels.

But one question remains: Does Systemeio fit your specific needs? To answer this question, let’s explore together, Systemeio features…

Why Systemeio is the Best landing builder?

Systemeio was launched in 2016 by the entrepreneur Aurélien Amecker. The goal at the beginning was to create a powerful landing page builder that brings together the latest marketing finds such as 1-Click-UpSells, DownSells, email marketing for digital course sales, with a particular focus on competitive pricing.

As you can see, all the other builders start at around $99/month, and then the prices go up to $575/month for

In the end, Systemio has found the right formula to provide very rich features of all-in-one marketing builder at very affordable prices.

Here are some of its features:

  • Systemeio gives you a 100% visual, down to the millimeter accuracy landing page editor for smartphone or tablet as well as PC friendly design. 
  • It allows you to sell your digital course, sell your ebooks or even sell physical products like t-shirts… 
  • It provides dozens of pre-built templates for effective landing pages and sales pages that you can quickly customize. New templates are added regularly. You’ll be spoilt for choice.
  • You can create password-protected membership areas for your students with just a few clicks.
  • You can create a specific community, which looks like a mini-facebook to exchange with you students without the aberrant restrictions of social platforms. 
  • You can create your own private affiliate program, and allow other entrepreneurs to promote your courses to their community in exchange for a commission on sales. System io takes care of all the tracking of clicks, sales and commissions. 
  • It puts in your hands a powerful mass emailing system, for your prospects in an unlimited way. Whether it is in the form of a newsletter or auto-responder, you can contact your subscribers whenever you want.
  • It also provides you with advanced automations, which can trigger a specific email campaign « Customize Big Motorcycles training at 40% off », if a lead clicks for example on a link about « the new Suzuki 2022 motorcycle models ».
  • These automations also allow you to send invoices automatically to your students as well as a 20% off coupon on other products valid for 72 hours. Do you see the potential turnover?

Free Migration of ALL your Sales Funnels! 

Or the icing on the cake!

If you pay for your annual subscription, Systemeio’s team takes care of the complete migration of all your sales funnels for free. Whatever your current platform, they rebuild your entire system from scratch.

You do absolutely nothing. Just give them your sales funnel links and they re-design the landing pages, build the sales pages, the confirmation pages, the email campaigns for free… No matter how many sales funnels you have! They will migrate them all for Free.

It’s simply amazing! 

None of Systemio’s competitors offer such a free unlimited migration service.

The Unlimited Plan : No other Landing Page Builder is providing this!!

Of the 11 landing page builders, Systemeio has the most extensive features at the lowest price available today (start at $27/mo).

They even have an Unlimited plan where you get Superman Power! ALL is Unlimited for under $100/mo (exactly $97/mo)!

You can build Unlimited numbers of funnels, acquire unlimited numbers of leads, and send unlimited emails. Build unlimited numbers of membership websites, and unlimited private affiliate systems. You can check it here. Truly powerful!

To sum up, 

If you are a total beginner, choose the free plan here, and start selling your first product free of charge.

If you are an intermediate marketer, the Startup plan at $27, or the Webinar plan at $47/mo is great.

But if you are a Super Affiliate or an agency, we highly recommend the unlimited plan at $97/mo, it is a real stealth! Get yours here

A propos de l'Auteur


Salut! C'est Jimmy. Je fais du digital marketing depuis 2010. Plus de 1887 Clients payants jusqu’à maintenant … J’ai hâte de l’arrondir à 2000 ;)
Mon pain quotidien c'est les formations numériques (+12 lancées) et les Tunnels de Vente. J’ai une agence de Marketing digital.

Je peux vous aider en Copywriting, Création de Tunnel de Vente, Optimisation des chiffres de conversion KPI, Publicité Facebook, Google Ads,

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