landing page builders

How to Create a Free Landing Page that Converts at $0 – Best tools of 2023

How to Create a Free Landing Page that Converts at $0 - Best tools

How to build a Free Landing Page without paying anything? It’s possible! We compare 11 landing page builders, and their free accounts.

We will also carefully study the conversion criteria of a landing page, and we will give you pro tips to increase the conversion rate beyond 50%. And as a bonus we will share with you 5 design examples to get your inspiration going.

Let’s get started…. 

First, Why would you bother building a Free Landing Page?

Beyond the pure monetary argument, it can be useful to create a free landing page for two reasons:

-First, it’s the best way to test a marketing idea quickly!

Picture this! In your shower this morning, you had a flash of genius, a great offer for your prospects and customers. You really want to test it with the least amount of effort, and without breaking the bank. The problem is that your agenda and to-do list are already overbooked.

Between technical support emails, ongoing advertising campaigns to review and the daily grind of your business, you don’t have the time or energy to launch a big test.

In this case, a free landing page with your offer and a call to action plus a quick Google Ads campaign can definitely give you the temperature of the market. Does your idea appeal to your prospects? Is there a current need for your offer?

Is this new product or service worth spending more money on?

– This new way to test quickly is often described as MVP or « Minimum Viable Product ». So, to test your physical or digital products, you only need a free landing page with your offer, its benefits and a button to order!

On the thank you page, you can simply say: 

« Thank you for your interest in our new product!  Unfortunately, it is out of stock at this time. Please enter your email to be notified first when it becomes available. »

On one hand, you’ve confirmed the real need and interest of your prospects.  And on the other hand you will quickly get email contact information from people highly interested in your offer. So, you can follow up with them, on this offer or similar one. 

Which tools to build a free landing page? The 3 essentials

Before getting to the heart of the matter, let’s first analyze our needs. What do we need to create our free landing page? You need 3 essential services:

1-First, you need a service with a powerful web page editor, preferably visual, adjustable to the millimeter, which allows you to position your images, your text exactly where you want, with great precision. Why do you need this? Well, because the majority of internet users are nowadays on smartphones or tablets.

People use mobile devices 60% of the time, VS 37% for Desktops (2% for Tablets).

The result? Your free landing page has to fit their much smaller screens to the millimeter. The more flexible this editor is, the easier it is to design your landing page.

You may also like: « Match of the Titans: Comparison of 11 Efficient Landing Page Builders » 

2-Secondly, you need a big storage system to host your landing page elements. For example, a server to host your ebook, where to host the landing page videos and various images. 

The more storage you have, the easier it is to test different combinations, in this case 4K high definition videos or even a series of 3 videos…

-The third must-have module is a system to manage the collected emails, which also must allow you to send mass emails. 

Indeed, the ultimate goal of the free landing page is to collect the maximum number of emails from prospects. 

Yet, this is only the first step!

Because then, you need to be able to send to these prospects a series of emails in the form of a newsletter, aka. a sequence of emails sent to all subscribers at the same time.

Or you can also program a specific autoresponder that sends emails drop by drop to convert your leads into paying customers. The more freedom you have with the bulk emailing system, the higher the return on investment you can get!

How to create an efficient free landing page that converts?

A converting landing page is a specific page that allows you to convert web visitors into email contacts or subscribers to your newsletter. Its design is very different from other normal pages on your website. 

From thousands of marketing tests, we identified many best practices you need to respect. Here are the 4 main elements to include on your free landing page:

1-A catchy title. This title is the ONLY element in your page that 99% of your visitors will read. It should summarize your offer in a minimum of words. If you offer a PDF guide on Mediterranean cuisine.

Your title can be for example « 13 Mediterranean recipes for a healthy cuisine without GMO, which respects your microbiome ». It’s precise, impactful and unadorned. Spend 80% of your time on your title, 

Because a bad headline compromises your entire prospecting campaign. 

2-In addition to the headline, you should have a bulleted list of 3 to 5 specific benefits for the visitor. Each benefit should be described as vividly as possible, without giving away the essential. A bit like a bikini as the saying goes 😂”It shows everything, but the essential”. 

For our culinary PDF, you can have the following benefits:

  • A slimming recipe loved by the US first lady that softens the skin, for less than $20. 
  • 2 full-of-protein vegetarian recipes, you can cook in under 15 min. Ideal for athletes of all levels. 
  • The ancient Mediterranean ketogenic recipe that fights inflammation in your body. 

As you can see, these bulleted lists help arouse the reader’s curiosity and encourage him to give his email. 

Sometimes these benefits can be grouped together in a long, but highly concentrated subheading for the reader. We’ll see some examples just below. 

3-An image or video is necessary on your free landing page. It should clearly show what the visitor will receive once they have given their details. You can use for example a 3D image of the ebook, or the image of the series of 3 videos of the masterclass you are promising …

4-Finally, any efficient landing page must contain a clear call to action. Either with a button that brings up a form, or with a form directly where the visitor will give his name and email.

These elements are the ABCs of creating an effective free landing page, we will see in the following how to optimize them to further improve your conversion rate.

5 Free Downloadable Landing Page Templates with a conversion rate > 50%.

We can’t talk about free landing pages without seeing some concrete examples together, can we? So let’s see some examples. 

In the following, I will present several effective landing pages that convert more than 50% of their visitors. That is to say that out of every 100 visitors that arrive on the landing page, more than 50 people give their email and name. 

That’s a lot of leads! Less than 5% of all landing pages in the world achieve such a feat and such a level of conversion. So pay attention! Study these examples carefully! 

Free landing page example 1 : Simple and Effective
Free landing page example 1 : Simple and Effective

This first landing page focuses on two things, first a catchy title that gets straight to the point: Growing your Business using Facebook Ads. Then it focuses on a big screen image that shows the desired result, « growing your biz, so you can chill out in a luxury hotel abroad ». 

Yes, it seems consumed and outdated, but the numbers speak for themselves!

By the way, a big warning here! 

Be super careful here with your own impression of the landing pages you encounter. You can hate a design and consider it the most horrible since 1995’s websites. But soon after launching your test, you are flabbergasted by the conversion rate > 50%!

Like any good marketer, I invite you to embarrass this mantra : “it’s the numbers that count”. 

As a result, you have to test several different designs with the same marketing message, before drawing any conclusions. 

Last but not least, on this landing page you don’t even need a bullet list, the title and the image are completely sufficient to get the message across!

You can download this sample landing page, right click on the image and save the image to your computer. 

But, you can do way better! If you want to directly use this hyper effective landing page for free, you can create your free system io account here, and You can import this design directly in two clicks, edit it and start your marketing campaign in the next 5 min!

Free landing page example 2: Offering a Free Ebook
Free landing page example 2: Offering a Free Ebook

Our second landing page is for an ebook. It follows the standard scheme described above. Only it contracts the bullet list into a long, benefit-rich subheading. The contact form here is apparent. The first and last name are directly requested. Notice the 3D book image with its catchy title that the visitor will receive after entering his contact information.

Start using this highly effective landing page for free in your Systemeio account here

Free landing page example 3 A direct Promotion Offer
Free landing page example 3 A direct Promotion Offer

The third free landing page goes straight to the sale. It proposes an offer of -$75 on a yoga session. Notice that the email form is hidden behind a big call to action button. The visitor is asked for a first commitment: to click on the blue button. Then the real form appears. This strategy encourages the web visitor to fill in the name and email once they are in front of the actual form. 

This is the small step engagement strategy described in the famous book « Influence » by Robert Cialdini. We also can see the presence of links to social networks, where you can share this offer. Such a free offer can for example be shared on Instagram stories, or on YouTube or Tik Tok shorts with great efficiency.

Without the need for a coder or designer, use this free landing page today with the free Systemeio account

Free landing page example 4 Video Squeeze page
Free landing page example 4 Video Squeeze page

Our fourth free landing page is a video squeeze page.

Because the subject is more complex, aka. How to create amazing photos in 5 days, the title and subtitles are not enough! Therefore, we have to take more time to explain the different advantages of the free training / course / masterclass presented in this case. But be brief! The video usually does not exceed 5 minutes. 

Start using this highly effective landing page for free in your Systemeio account here

Free landing page example 5 Advanced Lead Generation Funnel for Real Estate Agent
Free landing page example 5 Advanced Lead Generation Funnel for Real Estate Agent

The 5th free landing page is clearly built by a real estate agent looking for buyer clients. The title, the bulleted lists with the three benefits at the bottom, the call to action form and the image of the house are detailed and might be very specific to an area Los Angeles for example. Here we use more text to establish authority for the real estate agent.

We can talk about his expertise, his last sold properties. We can even include text or video testimonials at the bottom of the page. Why? Well, real estate include high value transactions. It’s the purchase of a lifetime, and homeowners, buyers or sellers, have a high level of mistrust. So we need authority to reassure them to trust us.

Import this effective landing page for free into your Systemeio account here

Before we tell you about the ultimate tool to build your landing page for free at $0, let’s take a look at the tools that exist on the market and why we don’t recommend them!

Free landing page 11 Squeeze Page Builders Comparison
Free landing page 11 Squeeze Page Builders Comparison

As you can see, most of the Landing page builders on the market don’t offer a free account, and thus don’t allow you to create your landing page for free.

Only Wix, Podia, Learnybox give you access to a free Basic account that is very limited in terms of the number of prospects collected. For example Podia limits you to 250 prospects only, while Wix does not allow you to send emails (neither Newsletter, nor autoresponder) to these prospects unless you buy an extra service called “Ascend Email Marketing App” at $59/month. (There is a better solution!)

Learnybox limits you to sending only 5000 emails/month, far too few!

WordPress is a special case, since the WordPress platform is free, nevertheless all the services of creation of Landing page, of sending of e-mails which are connected to it are paid, (50$/month for ActiveCampaign for example), and requires several other paid plugins as explained in our article here. To sum up our findings, you should know that WordPress will cost you approximately $80/month. So it is not really free.

On the other hand, System io service offers very interesting possibilities: An advanced down-to-the-millimeter page editor, Easy Site creation, an advanced email mass sending service (Unlimited emails to your leads), and a solid ready-to-sell Free account.

For example, You can create your free landing page and collect up to 2000 leads with its free account. 

On the other hand, if you consider the paid accounts, (here we took the cheapest price for each service), Systemeio is once again ahead of its competitors with a very competitive price and very rich features. 

If you want to know all the features of System io, I recommend our detailed article here

In conclusion, System io is the winner to create your free landing page and collect emails from your prospects and customers.

How to quickly build a free landing page? in 20 minutes or less!

Or the practical guide to building a free landing page in no time.

1-Start by clicking here on the registration link to Enter your name, your email. Then go to your email inbox and click on the confirmation link sent. 

2-Go to the sales funnel creation page here. Click on « Create a new sales funnel ». Choose « a prospecting tunnel ». You will have dozens of landing page design choices. You will find the 5 designs presented above. Choose one.

3- Modify the text and change the image of your landing page. Then save your work.

4-You are done!

Now, You have your free landing page ready and you can launch your campaign and test your marketing idea in less than 20 minutes! Who can beat that? 

Conclusion. So is it possible to create your landing page for free, without paying anything?

The answer is yes! 

The search on the web was hard, and as you can see most of the tools for creating a landing page are paid or have a trial period of 15 days or 30 days only. But we found our golden gem.

Now you also know what type of design will give you a high conversion rate for your prospects (>50%), and you even have examples of ready-to-use landing pages that you can deploy in less than 20 minutes to test any offer for your customers. 

In our opinion, platform stands out among all landing page builders because of its feature-rich free account. 

After that, once your idea is validated, and your offer gives you positive feedback and maybe some sales, you can of course upgrade to the paid account at the very competitive price of $27/month. 

What do you have to lose? The account is free and you don’t even need a credit card. Go for it!

A propos de l'Auteur


Salut! C'est Jimmy. Je fais du digital marketing depuis 2010. Plus de 1887 Clients payants jusqu’à maintenant … J’ai hâte de l’arrondir à 2000 ;)
Mon pain quotidien c'est les formations numériques (+12 lancées) et les Tunnels de Vente. J’ai une agence de Marketing digital.

Je peux vous aider en Copywriting, Création de Tunnel de Vente, Optimisation des chiffres de conversion KPI, Publicité Facebook, Google Ads,

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