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System io vs Clickfunnels Comparison (7 facts): Which is the Best Landing Page Builder?

System io vs Clickfunnels Comparison 7 facts

The system io vs clickfunnels match is going to be intense! On my right, ClickFunnels is the world leader marketing tool for creating sales tunnels, it’s the favorite (everyone applauds 👏). 

On my left, System io, the ambitious outsider (the « ouuuuuuuh » can be heard here and there).

Gosh!  The match promises to be passionate. All moves are allowed. Take a seat and enjoy a good coffee… 

In this detailed article we will break down the features of the two systems one by one, and side by side. This will give you a clear view of the strengths and weaknesses of both tools. 

Ding ding … let the system io vs clickfunnels match begin!

First, one short introduction about the two opponents can be necessary.

System io vs Clickfunnels : The Leader ClickFunnels

ClickFunnels is a popular marketing system developed by Russell Brunson and his friends in 2014. Its initial goal was to make digital marketing easier for the founder and his friends with as little coding, and IT development as possible (zero line of code! was their mantra). 

As a reminder, at the time, creating a landing/sales page took weeks and weeks… between web developers, designers, and other copywriters…

Clickfunnels has successfully met this need by facilitating the creation of sales pages and sales tunnels. From a few weeks, you could create your landing page in a few hours!

Clickfunnels claims to target ambitious dads, and busy stay-at-home moms who want to start their business on the Internet, as well as new graduates who are looking to create side hustle income.

System io vs Clickfunnels : The Brave David 

System io is the outsider that started in 2016 at the initiative of French marketer Aurelien Amecker. After using ClickFunnels, and seeing firsthand its various limitations, he took the challenge to create a more intuitive, beginner-oriented platform.  All this at a very affordable price for tight budgets, yet providing tons of valuable features! 

system io vs clickfunnels The Outsider VS the Favorite
system io vs clickfunnels The Outsider VS the Favorite

System io therefore focuses on solo-entrepreneurs, infopreneurs, and small business owners. Its goal is to help them increase their sales, and increase their audience with the best current emailing tools, and latest e-commerce promotion weapons, aka. Upsells, Downsell, Bump…

System io vs Clickfunnels Comparison : The Sales Funnel builder

A sales funnel is a succession of web pages optimized to guide prospects through their buying experience. It facilitates their transformation into repeat customers. By definition, the different steps of a sales funnel, aka. the different landing pages of this funnel are of paramount importance in order to induce a purchase at the end.

So, every detail counts! A button color here, a countdown there…

That’s why it’s so important for the builder of these sales pages to be as flexible as possible to test different designs, different text combinations, different buttons, countdowns…

The clickfunnels builder is a select-drag-drop type that is easy to use. Its biggest advantage is a set of pre-designed page templates that you can modify at will. 

A definite advantage is that these templates pages have been tested by some of the best marketers in the world, namely Eben Pegan, Frank Kern, Russel Brunson (yes, the founder is also a formidable marketer)…

You can create landing pages to collect emails, long sales pages with or without video, event pages for a live or recorded webinar… 

This page editor is known for its amazing adaptability on smartphones and tablets.

System io offers a similar intuitive and easy to learn builder for beginners. With a few clicks you can modify the templates provided in the library to suit your personal project. The page templates of system io are nice and updated regularly. 

At first this was THE weak point of system io. The team seems to be aware of this, and is trying to catch up. They are adding new designs almost every three months. Many many beautiful templates to choose from!

PS. Don’t hesitate to subscribe to system io’ Facebook group, it’s where the project team announces new designs, new features and bug fixes.

System io builder allows you to create responsive landing pages that can be easily viewed on a smartphone and a tablet. You can use it to capture emails and grow your list. 

It helps you sell any product: physical or digital, but also to launch an Automatic or Evergreen webinar. 

An interesting new option allows you to create a sales funnel with an end date visible everywhere, on the sales page and also in emails. This is called a « Deadline Funnel ». This strategy encourages more prospects to make a purchase. Why? Because the offer will be withdrawn from the market for real automatically at the announced date.

In summary, both web page builders are equivalent in options with a slight advantage for ClickFunnels in terms of stability.

System io vs Clickfunnels Comparison : The Emails Sending System 

ClickFunnels has an advanced emailing system, called « Follow-Up Funnels » (formerly Actionetics). It allows you to schedule a specific email sequence to be sent after a prospect makes a purchase for example.

This sequence often called « Followup » or autoresponder allows you to retain the customer, then to suggest an additional Upsell, aka. a second superior offer with a limited time promotion that encourages the purchase and so on…

Unfortunately, this emailing system is not available in the ClickFunnels low-end offer at $97/month, and you have to take the Platinum subscription at $247/month to have access to it.

On the other hand, Systemeio has its own email sending system based on servers with an impeccable reputation. It allows you to send followup sequences like Clickfunnels, but for all subscription plans, starting with the $27/month and up to the $97 unlimited plan. 

Moreover, it allows a unique feature! You can send mass emails (called Broadcasts) when you have an urgent promotion, or a special launch for your Ebook or Digital course. One last thing, Systemio guarantees you an unlimited quota to send emails. Which ClickFunnels doesn’t.

Systemio email sending system allows you to send unlimited emails even for the low cost plans at $27. That is a big advantage in the emailing game!

System io vs Clickfunnels Comparison -The Membership Websites

An important option of an all-in-one marketing system is the creation of private membership websites. These mini-websites are protected by a personal password and allow you to provide the content of your digital courses, aka. training videos, PDFs of exercises, PowerPoint presentations…

ClickFunnels offers you to create pre-designed membership sites. However this option is not available for the $97 offer! Once again, you have to pay $247/month to have access to it.

On the other hand, for System io, each subscription has an equivalent number of membership sites. For example, the $27 subscription, allows you to sell 5 digital trainings, and therefore also allows you to create 5 membership sites for your customers. The $47/month offer allows you to sell 20 digital courses, and in parallel allows you to create 20 membership sites. 

When you’re just starting out in the marketing field, this is handy! You will love this “usage-based pricing”. You pay for what you actually use!

System io wins here no doubt.

System io vs Clickfunnels Comparison The Affiliate Program Creation System

Creating a private affiliate program means that you set up a system that allows other entrepreneurs to promote your products and services using a specific link. Your affiliate system then tracks these links, tracks the clicks that come from them, and then tracks the resulting sales. As a result you can attribute each sale to a specific affiliate or attribute it to “no one” if the sale comes organically from Google for example.

This way you can award a commission to the appropriate affiliate, in return for their successful efforts. 

Creating such an affiliate program was extremely difficult just a few years ago, because tracking all these links and clicks was imprecise! This is no longer the case. 

ClickFunnels has created a tool called « Backpack » that allows you to create your affiliate program, manage your affiliates and create a commission plan. 

You can also tag them. You will have for example « a regular affiliate », « an affiliate from launch X » and « a super affiliate ». 

You also have the ability to give them access to promotional material such as articles, promotional emails, and testimonials. 

As a result, you can follow the tracking of each affiliate’s clicks and sales in your dashboard. All the technical parts are transparent to you.

System io follows the same logic and allows you to create as many affiliate programs as you want! 

The good news is that you can start your affiliate program even from the FREE plan! This is not the case for ClickFunnels which requires you to pay the full $247/month Platinum plan to have access. 

Moreover, System io includes precise tracking using internal tags associated with each prospect’s email. What’s that? I know, I know … This technical stuff can be obscure. So let’s take a concrete example to understand!

system io vs clickfunnels Create your Own Affiliate Program easily, in a few clicks
system io vs clickfunnels Create your Own Affiliate Program in a few clicks

For example, imagine that the affiliate John has brought a prospect Stacy to your landing page. System io adds an affiliate tag to the prospect Stacy.

Now suppose that Stacy buys your product 3 months later, maybe from an email sequence for example, or via a Remarketing campaign 6 months later, then the sale is counted as an affiliate sale for John! and he receives his commission. 

This accurate tracking is crucial for your affiliates. How nice is it to receive an affiliate commission during the Christmas holidays, 3 months, 6 months after promoting your product? 

It builds solid-rock confidence in your affiliate system! Doesn’t it? 

This undeniably allows you to retain this affiliate for life, for another ten or so larger launches. And it secures additional long-term revenue for you, the product creator.

System io wins here because of it gives you access to the this key feature, starting from the FREE plan. Imagine that! If this feature is of importance to you, you can start with the Free plan, and then upgrade with the increasing sales!

System io vs Clickfunnels Comparison of Users’ Communities

Let’s talk about the user communities of each software! 

Because ClickFunnels started its journey long before Systemeio in 2014, it has a very large community of several hundred thousand former users.

Moreover, founder Russell Brunson built his reputation and the ClickFunnels brand precisely on his community of « Funnels Hackers« . For example, he invented the « Two Comma Club » trophies for users who have exceeded $1 million in sales, created FunnelFlix and its interviews and podcasts, and of course a dedicated Facebook group. 

On the other hand, System io also has 2 two dedicated Facebook groups, one in English and one in French. It is worth mentioning that the founder Aurélien is regularly present in both groups, commenting and posting the new improvements of the system.

Posts like « This is what our team of developers is working on right now! What do you think? Give your opinion in the comments », are regular and popular in the community.

You can say that within System io’s community the tone is more intimate, you feel like friends who are making their way to financial freedom. Because the contact is direct with the founder Aurelien. While for ClickFunnels, Russell only communicates personally with the members of his $25,000/year Mastermind. 

Of course Russell organizes zoom events from time to time, but you can’t really get his opinion on your sales funnel in the midst of the thousands of participants. 

The balance here is not clear. Every reader will choose according to their preferences!

System io vs Clickfunnels: Entry-level Plan The Price & The Features

ClickFunnels offers a basic entry-level plan at $97/month. This basic package will help you create landing pages and websites only. It also allows you to capture emails, but without allowing you to send automated email sequences

Here are the detailed features:

  • 20 Sales tunnels
  • 100 web pages maximum
  • 20000 monthly visitors 
  • Connect 3 domain names, aka. create 3 different websites
  • FunnelFlix (Podcast and interviews and case studies of other ClickFunnels’ users)
  • No possibility to sell products or digital courses
  • No possibility to send emails
  • No possibility to create a membership site
  • No ability to create a private affiliate system

 On the other hand, System io proposes a Startup formula at $27/month, which includes the creation of landing pages and websites, as well as a powerful emailing system (limited to 5000 contacts). You have also the possibility to sell 5 digital trainings, with no limitation of students, and the possibility to create 5 membership sites for each of your digital trainings. You can even create a private affiliate system for 5 of your products in a few clicks.

Here is the detailed list of its features:

  • 5 Sales tunnels
  • 50 web pages maximum
  • No limitation of monthly visitors!
  • Connect 3 domain names, ie. create 3 different websites
  • No FunnelFlix!
  • Create 5 different blogs 
  • Capture up to 5000 emails from prospects and send them unlimited emails.
  • Hosting of 5 digital courses 
  • Creation of 5 member sites to provide the PDFs, video content of your training.
  •  A pack of 10 tags, 10 triggers and 5 workflows… to create advanced automations. 
  • Creation of 5 private affiliate programs for your products 
  • Access to promote up to 5 affiliate offers on the Systemeio insider Marketplace.

A quick comparison immediately reveals the shortcomings of ClickFunnels’ basic plan, which is a more limited and 3 times more expensive formula. 

Nevertheless, it should be noted that the FunnelFlix service is a valuable and unique point for ClickFunnels Basic.

System io vs Clickfunnels: Best Plan Comparison

ClickFunels’s Platinum package at 247$/month, is much richer. It provides the landing page builder, but also the automated emailing system discussed above, as well as the creation of private membership sites.

system io vs clickfunnels Comparison of the best offers of the two softwares. Platinun VS Unlimited.

Here are the details of this offer:

  • Unlimited sales funnels
  • Unlimited pages
  • Unlimited monthly visitors
  • Connect 9 domain names only, ie. create 9 different websites
  • FunelFlix Premium
  • Follow-up Funnels » emailing sending system – Autoresponder
  • Creation of private affiliate programs for your products – called « Backpack » 
  • Weekly group meeting with a Marketing Coach – « Weekly Hackathons”
  • No Broadcast email sending system
  • No Marketplace of offer to promote

System io’s best offer is called the « Unlimited » account at $97/month. It gives you access to a multitude of features… all unlimited: The number of landing pages, the number of sites, the number of domain names connected, the number of digital training courses sold, the number of membership sites, the number of affiliate programs, the number of automatic webinars.

In addition, it offers you a free “zero-headache-migration service” from any other platform. Basically, System io’s team rebuilds all your landing pages, all your sales funnel, all the automations needed. So, whether you are currently with ClickFunnels, Kartra, Kajabi, or even using a simple WordPress site, they completely handle the migration for you. This is rare enough to be mentioned.

Here is the detailed list of its features:

  • Unlimited sales tunnels
  • Unlimited landing pages, unlimited sales pages
  • Unlimited number of monthly visitors
  • Connect as many domain names as you want! Unlimited
  • No FunnelFlix Premium!
  • No Weekly Meeting with marketing Coach
  • Unlimited Blogs
  • Unlimited email lead capture
  • Unlimited Digital Training Hosting
  • Unlimited Membership Site 
  • Unlimited Advanced Automations 
  • Unlimited private affiliate programs for all your products 
  • Unlimited access to promote any of the 2011 affiliate offers on the Systemeio Insider’s Marketplace 

So, aside from the FunnelFlix service and Weekly Hackathons, the features of system io surpass those offered by ClickFunnels for a 2.5 times cheaper price! $97 VS $247

The unlimited options are so generous that many marketing agencies subscribe to systemio only to resell them to their clients. 

In short, the unlimited offer of system io is a winner.

Nevertheless, the last two services, FunnelFlix and Weekly Hackathons, would be an excellent growth axis for system io. Aurelien if you can hear me..

System io vs Clickfunnels: Our Final Opinion

In summary, ClickFunnels stands out with its active large community around Russell Branson, FunnelFlix, Weekly Hackathons… 

On the other hand, on a purely technical level, the outsider System io has cleverly beaten ClickFunnels to the punch, by creating an impressive unlimited offer 2.5 times cheaper for comparable services. 

Moreover, systemeio offers low-cost plans at $27 and $47, that are practical and well-thought for entrepreneurs and other self-employed beginner marketers. 

So it’s up to you to decide what your priorities are.

For us, the choice is clear:

If you are a beginner or an experienced marketer with up to 5 years of experience, System io is giving the best ROI return on investment for your bucks, in the market today.

(See our detailed comparison with other tools on the market like Podia, Kartra, ActiveCampagn here.)

What to do now? Click here and create your System io free account. Test the system thoroughly. And make some sales 🙂 Enjoy!

A propos de l'Auteur


Salut! C'est Jimmy. Je fais du digital marketing depuis 2010. Plus de 1887 Clients payants jusqu’à maintenant … J’ai hâte de l’arrondir à 2000 ;)
Mon pain quotidien c'est les formations numériques (+12 lancées) et les Tunnels de Vente. J’ai une agence de Marketing digital.

Je peux vous aider en Copywriting, Création de Tunnel de Vente, Optimisation des chiffres de conversion KPI, Publicité Facebook, Google Ads,

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