systeme io english Syteme io Reviews

► ► Review 2023-Still The Best Funnel Builder? Review Deep Analysis

Are you looking for a « Review »? Then, by the god Thor a detailed « Review » you will find HERE!

I understand, you may have heard about and it seemed an interesting All-in-One solution, for your business? 

And you want to dig deeper. Maybe you want to create a showcase website? or you want to build an impactful email landing page (Ooh the precious, the precious… email and lead, I love it too!). 

Or maybe you just want to launch your first digital course? 

Or maybe you’re already a « digital course Guru » and want to migrate from another expensive and complicated system like Clickfunnels, Kajabi, ActiveCampaign for a simpler and more affordable system…

Anyway, before going all in, you are looking for a thorough Review

Great! You are at the right place!

In this detailed article, I will take you by the hand in the wonderful world of But I will also show you the CONS and the limitations.

Tighten your belt! We’re taking off…

So, without wasting any time, … Review: Is Systeme io for you? 

First of all, can help me in my business and HOW? This is probably your first question!

Here are 5 profiles that can help greatly and why? 

1-A person who wants to start a business on the internet, with a small budget, but who doesn’t know where to start.  Understand here, Freelancer, Solo-entrepreneur, or very small family business. Review Profile User 1: Solo-Entrepreneur Review Profile User 1: Solo-Entrepreneur

Our take on it?  Systeme io will be useful to you because it provides you with 6 essential marketing tools to attract your first paying clients, at an unbeatable price (more details below in this review).

It will allows you to validate your idea,  and make sure of the product/market fit  using a simple sales tunnel. To get real feedback from actual prospects. And above all, it allows you to start quickly without having to buy a hosting, buy a wordpress theme, and loose months on tweaking the design with a developer ….   

2-A small business that is updating its showcase website, and wants to find more prospects online. Eventually if you want to launch an advertising campaign to accelerate the process.

Our opinion ? will do the trick. because it allows you to create an elegant, responsive website that boosts your branding and attracts prospects to you. Also, it allows you to send personalized emails, for all your summer and winter promotions … in an easy and manageable way to you. Yess, being the boss/salesman/manager… ! Eh not easy, not easy..

3-A craftswoman who launches her accessories, or handmade products e-commerce store.

Will help ? It is useful, because, you can build your simplified e-commerce shop in less than a 24 hours! and start collecting payments. What’s more? gives you the flexibility to send reminder emails (and coupons) to those who are hesitants to buy.

It also allows you to set up Upsells, aka. additional purchase suggestions and special packages. So that you can sell 2, 3 or even 5 items to the SAME visitor. 

4-The Coach or Consultant who launches his digital course (or courseS), or to sell his ebooks. Everyone tells you on social media about the fat incomes of digital courses. The 10000$ a day here, the 135000$ coming during the launch week… Makes you dream?!  Having helped a few coaches, I can confirm that it is true. The figures go far beyond these numbers with well optimized sales funnels.

Would helps? Absolutely! It’s very easy to host your digital course on their servers. Then you can start driving visitors and getting a ton of leads/prospects for a very low price (up to 5000 leads for less than 27$). From there, you can send those prospects an unlimited number of emails. Yes you read it right … unlimited emails … until they are persuaded to buy. The purchase rate by email is notoriously 5 to 7 TIMES greater than a post on instagram/Tiktok/Facebook, even if you sponsor it. 

5-The 5th is Your profile! 🙂 … Please tell me in the comments what are your needs from and I will update this part. 

Review on Key Features

The Systeme io project is ambitious! With a goal to be the All-in-One software, it has gathered several very different marketing features:

1- First the creation of a simple, elegant and fast-loading showcase site. Where you can create as many pages as you like for your business. It is particularly interesting for the beginner solo-entrepreneur. Or for the craftsman who starts selling online with a small budget, and a tight timing.

In this case, no need to buy a server to host your site! This usually costs around 15$/month for a moderately fast server at Godaddy  for example. 

2-Systeme io allows you to create a highly converting sales funnel, without being a coder. But, what is a sales funnel anyway? you might ask.  It is a series of website pages (also called landing pages), optimized to make the visitor’s buying experience as smooth as possible. A sales funnel must respect a certain number of psychological rules of persuasion.

Moreover, a sales funnel has to respect a particular design standards to convince your customer to take action as quickly as possible. 

3-System io also allows you to first capture and manage the emails of your site visitors in a simple way. It then allows you to automatically send them as many follow-up emails as you want. Yes! Unlimited emails!! This is huuuuuge.

Understand here, You can send your prospects educational emails, promotional emails with coupons to boost your sales… The goal is to establish a relationship of trust first. Then it is 10 times easier to convince your prospects to do business with you. This process is commonly called email marketing. also allows you to host your digital course in a private membership password-protected area reserved for your clients. It stores all your videos, no matter how many, even the very high quality ones without any additional expenses. Review - Unlimited Digital Courses Hosting Review – Unlimited Digital Courses Hosting

So The number of your digital courses is only limited by your imagination. For comparison purposes, a professional video storage service that provides these same video hosting caracteristics, such as Vimeo Pro costs 20$/month. 

5-Systeme io also allows you to easily automatize your client’s journey. It helps you create the sales page for your digital course, then the  thank you page after purchase. Then, It automatically creates passwords to your client, and directly sends them by email. All that is happening, while you are sipping your Margarita on a sandy beach in Thailand.

It can also creates the client invoices, and send them to the buyers. The whole process is automated right out of the box. I personally love it!

To summarize, helps you:

  • Create beautiful websites quickly, without buying an annual hosting 
  • Capture your prospects emails efficiently
  • Host your digital course ( unlimited photos & video storage )
  • Create beautiful Membership websites and Facebook-like Communities in few clicks
  • Track all your Visitors numbers (Analytics) & Optimize your sales funnel without headaches 
  • Send unlimited automated promotional emails in a few clicks 
  • build beautiful sales pages for each of your products without spending weeks on it…

Is that all? Oh no. See the mega-features below! Review on The Automation of your Business

I call it Mega-feature because it gives you back the MOST precious thing in the universe: Your Time!

Automation is the future of your business. Whether you’re just starting out on your own, or you have a thriving small business, you probably have a lot of boring administrative tasks that take up too much of your time. The problem is that the more customers you have, the more time consuming and unpleasant these tasks become!

 System io allows you to automate a maximum of these repetitive tasks. For example, how about sending a welcome email (or even a serie of educational welcome emails) automatically when a prospect provides you with their email the first time? This wonderful system can also launch a serie of emails when a prospect clicks on a link that shows interest in one of your digital courses for example. 

Say you are in the « Eat healthy » niche, and a prospect clics on a link in your email talking about « Ketogenics Do’s and Don’ts ». Hhhhm this prospect might be a good fit for a Keto Diet?!

What if triggers a 5 emails series specifically educating him about your KETO Diet digital course with a special promotion -40% only available this week? How much is he likely to buy? … Very interesting! isn’t it?

Systeme io also allows you to automatically manage reminder emails before webinars, and many many other repetitive boring tasks…

Affiliate Program Creation made Easy

A very rarely used mega-feature in that can double or triple your earnings this year is the creation of an affiliate program. Simply put, you allow (and even encourage) other business owners, or other self employed entrepreneurs to promote your products or digital courses to their audience and fans.

In return they receive a commission on each sale that comes from their marketing efforts. Of course systeme io carefully tracks the links of each affiliate and allows you to follow the number of referrals from each affiliate that arrive on the sales page.

More important, it also shows the number of sales that come from each affiliate on a daily basis! And all this in « on automatic ». The process is completely transparent for you.

All you have to do, is to log in your dashboard, and here you can see the affiliate report for today, the last week, or the last month…

 (number of referrals and number of sales)

All these time consuming tasks are easily handled by system io natively. As a result, you can focus on your core business: providing excellent customer support, discussing their problems and helping them to solve them even better, all the while keeping your bank account happy and in good shape.

But do affiliate systems work today? you might ask. Well yes! has been doing it for the last 20 years and is making huge amounts of money every day thanks to its affiliates. So why not you?  

Systeme io removes all the technical difficulties that made affiliation a headache for « small » entrepreneurs. Review Launch your Affiliate Program was never easier Review – Launch your lucrative Affiliate Program

One last bonus : Being a user of systeme io, You can put your products in the private Marketplace inside systeme io (2003+ products are in at the writing of this article ). So that your products can be promoted by more than 10.000 current active users. Can you see the opportunity? I hope so…

Interested in affiliate marketing? Read our detailed accelerated affiliate course here Review on Ease of Use

The system is organized into several categories with a large central menu at the top. The menu items are self-explanatory. And you can access directly, in 1 click either to your sales funnels, or to the e-mail sending system, or to the creation of Blog articles. 

The email capture page/sales page creator is intuitive. You have a fixed menu on the left, which gathers all the building blocks. It works simply with a click and drag. Click and drag and Your beautiful handmade accessory image is on your sales page. Another drag and drop and your explanation video sits proudly on your email squeeze page.

After that, it’s just a matter of changing the colors using the menu on the left or changing the dimensions.

A very practical section of the central menu informs you about products and sales. This way, you can directly visualize your daily turnover and its evolution over time.

Overall, System io is easy to use even if you are a beginner. The fact that the founder Aurelien Amecker is a marketer by profession is probably a key factor. As a result, the design of the site goes straight to the point with a minimum of clicks. 

Some people will not like the austere aspect of the site’s design. Sure! It’s not the Apple of design, but it’s fluid and practical.

But what about the Technical Support ?

The technical support is a fundamental point in this type of all-in-one system. Because you will surely need to contact it for the first two or three months. There are so many small initial adjustments where a benevolent help is not too much!

This is done through tickets and e-mails that you send. The response comes quickly in less than 2 hours, sometimes less!

And super important!  The response is courteous. It’s not the over-sea Indian support with a broken English, who answers you. 🙂

On the other hand, do not hesitate to join the English facebook group of system io. It’s a gold mine of information for users! The founder Aurelien is an admin there. And he regularly posts all the new features and innovations. Which is very important for me! If the CEO is in the support group, then he listens.

You will also find technical support people who will answer your questions as well as friendly users who will advise you both on the technical side, but also on the strategic side, on the marketing side, on the conversion of prospects into customers… 

And you know what? This community of more than 67000 users is essential when you decide to subscribe to  systeme io. 

Why? When you migrate from one marketing system to another, you absolutely want a strong passionate community that helps each other and supports the system. This guarantees a long term evolution, and a constant improvement as well as the detection and correction of possible bugs.

You can see here our other systeme io review here Review on Pricing 

Ok let’s talk about money now! How much does this jewel cost? 

Well, The biggest advantage of the system is its super affordable price. Take a look at the structure of System IO pricing. Four formulas:

* The Free formula: entitles you to up to 2,000 contacts on your mailing list, with 3 sales tunnels (10 pages) + hosting of ONE digital course. 

* Startup formula: for 27$/month, you get up to 5 000 contacts on your email list, 10 Sales Funnels (50pages) + hosting of 5 digital courses

* Automatic Evergreen Webinar formula: for 47$/month, your mailing list can go up to 10 000 contacts. 50 Sales Funnels (300pages). You can host 20 digital courses, and 10 automatic evergreen webinars 

* The Unlimited formula : Here you have everything, all the time! For 97$/month, your email contacts are unlimited. Your funnels unlimited, your pages unlimited. You can host unlimited digital courses. + you get one hour of coaching offered. This is my favorite one! because it has the best Return on Investment. Review - Affordable Price for everyone Review – Affordable Pricing Options

And Don’t forget the Special -30% Offer 

These monthly rates are already very affordable compared to different competitors like ClickFunnels (147$/month), Podia (89$/month), Squarespace (65$/month), Unbounce (99$/month), Kartra (99$/month) … 

Nevertheless, you can still save 30% if you choose the annual payment formula.

You will then pay 228$ instead of 324$ (a saving of 96$) … to the Startup Plan. Get the promotion here

You will then pay 396$ instead of 564$ (a saving of 168$) … to the Webinar Plan. Get the promotion now

You will pay 828$ instead of 1164$ (a saving of 336$) … to the Unlimited Plan. Show me now

Now you know everything to take action. 

Oooh but wait. Is there any limitations/problems of Systeme io I need to be aware of?

We have got you covered! Pls continue reading… Review on Limitations and problems

Yes, there are some! no system is perfect!

So let’s dive in! Here are the main ones you should know:

1-The sample templates for the landing page and the sales page are limited, see some examples here. They are basic and not ideal. While the page editor is clear and intuitive, I feel it lacks some useful building blocks which could make life easier for the beginner, such as an Evergreen Elegant Timer. Update: Systemeio recently launched a « Customizable Block » that you design once and use every time. It might solve this issue.

So if you want to quickly launch an offer, a showcase site, a digital course, it will be fine.  However, if you are a demanding person on the design. Or if you want to develop a specific high-end brand website and funnel, you need to plan to hire a pro Funnel Builder who masters the nuances of the system. (Tip: Post a request in the Facebook group, you’ll find good ones there).

2-Second, the automations are a bit difficult to get used to. So you might have to test your flow several times to make sure it works as you want it to be. An important point to note is that the number of automations available depends directly on the chosen subscription package. And in my opinion, this deprives for example free subscribers of a lot of flexibility.

But hey, we are business men here, and this is understandable.

3-A general remark concerns the big number of features available. This can be a blessing or a curse. Because, as a result, many novice users can feel overwhelmed or even buried under the mountain of different settings.

Sometimes what you are looking for is just under your eyes, but you can’t figure it out. Hhhhh Happened to me many times. In this case, the community facebook group can be of a tremendous help!

4- One last thing. From time to time, you will find some bugs here and there. An image that will not properly show on the phone, or a glitch within an email automation.

This is the problem of All-in-One systems, especially when they are updated frequently, adding new features. In this case, I just report the bug to the team, usually in the facebook group. The answer doesn’t take much time. Either investigating the problem or in progress solving the issue. Comparison to its other competitors

So it’s complicated to make comparisons of system io with its competitors. 

Why is that? 

-First, because system io is an all-in-one package, so it is somewhat unique. It contains almost all their features and then it adds 2 or 3 useful features of its own.

Should we compare it to a digital course hosting system like Podia or Thinkifics? Can we compare it to an email manager like ActiveCampagn or Mailchimp? And is it really reasonable to compare it to a capture page creator only like LeadPages or Unbounce?

-Second, their unlimited plan (97$) is simply beating every competitor! They are hands down cheaper than everyone else!

So the comparison is a bit biased. However, let’s take a chance! Review - Comparison with other competitors alternatives on price and features Review – Comparison with other Competitors

Here is our chosen methodology: We will compare here the first package of systeme io (the 27$/month) to the equivalent package of the competitors.

Seems fair?  Ok let’s dive in Review VS Clickfunnels

The price is already a big argument. Clickfunnels starts at 147$/month against 27$/month for system io.

At this price (27€) you can create unlimited automated emailing campaigns, connect 5 domain names, sell 5 digital courses, and enroll 5000 customers, while Clickfunnels limits you to 1 domain name, 1000 customers, and only 3 trainings.

Clickfunnels requires you to upgrade to the Pro package at $197/month to have these same features. Review VS Kartra

Again Kartra requires you to pay at least $99/month. At this price, you can create only ONE website, and you are limited to hosting 50 videos, and 20 digital courses only.

For the same price 97$/month, system io gives you « carte blanche » on all the features : An unlimited numbers of website creation, an unlimited number of digital courses, an unlimited number of emails and very advanced affiliation tools. VS Podia

Podia tries to do better by offering a subscription at $39/month. However, this offer is very limited! The number of emails sent to your prospects should not exceed 5,000 emails/month. In addition, you cannot start your own affiliate program.

The problem is this Basic offer does not include link tracking, nor does it include sales tracking. So you don’t know where your customers come from. Even more, you can’t create your own affiliate program from the basic package. If you want, you should go the Shaker package at 89$/month. But all these last features are included in the basic program at 27$/month of system io. Review VS ActiveCampaign

Here the difference is obvious because the first ActiveCampagn package at 49$/month only allows you to manage 1000 email contacts, against 5000 contacts for the basic system io (27$) package . On the other hand, ActiveCampagn does not allow you to host any digital course, nor to create your website. It is not possible to launch an affiliation system for your business, either. VS LeadPages

The basic package is priced at $37/month. However, it limits you to only one website against 3 websites for system io. It does not allow you to sell your digital course. Just to capture visitors emails!

LeadPages forces you to upgrade to the premium package at $75/month to do so. AB testing is also absent from this basic offer. And you can’t send a followup email sequence to engage your prospects.

Last thing! You simply can’t create your own affiliate system with LeadPages. Just move on. There is nothing to see.  

As you can see, the comparison of system io with its competitors turns into a one minute, one round bloody battle . The alternatives are very limited either in terms of number of contacts or in terms of sites created. Or they don’t even offer certain features like the private affiliate program. The worst thing is that they cost you 3 to 10 times more each month. 

There is simply no contest!

Free Migration for Everybody : An exclusive bonus!

Oh I forgot an important point! If you choose the annual payment, the system io team will migrate for FREE  all your old email squeeze pages, all your old sales page or whatever! 

Imagine that you are using WordPress or Clickfunnels today for your sales funnels. By subscribing to’s annual offer, you just have to share your sales funnel links and’s developers will recreate them entirely for you inside your account.

My advice? Take a well deserved week off, they will do all the dirty work for you! you know the different Upsells, Downsells, Bump …

It’s so big, it’s worth repeating! 

If you are currently with Clickfunnels, Learnybox, Podia, Kooneo, Kartra, Thinkifics, Activecampaign, Mailchimp or other, you will NOT have to rebuild everything: all your sales tunnels, all your contact lists, all your digital courses… will be imported into your Systeme io account by a technician. 

This amazes me personally. I don’t know how they manage to do it, but they deliver. Review : Frequently asked questions 

What is is an all-in-one marketing platform that allows you create websites easily, to create beautiful landing pages and effective sales pages within 48 hours. It also has powerful features like sending unlimited emails to new prospects, hosting and selling digital courses, creating membership websites with few clicks, and creating private affiliate systems for your services and products.

What features are available in the Free plan?

The free plan is feature-rich solid base for info-entrepreneurs. First, You can create 3 sales funnels including up to 10 pages. You can capture up to 2,000 Leads, and You can send unlimited emails to those prospects. 

Besides, You can create, host and sell your digital course with Paypal or Stripe. You can create one membership website for your clients. Let’s make it clear here! The Free plan is NOT a DEMO or a test account. NO! You can actually use it tomorrow, and start selling your digital course or your services without spending a dime with Systemeio.

Is worth it?

As you can read above in our review, pricing is very competitive compared to its competitors. Its paid plan starts at $27/month, while Clickfunnels starts at $97/ month, Podia will ask you for $75/month and Kartra will cost you $97/month for similar but even limited features.

Can I use to send Cold emails to a bought list?

Unfortunately you can’t! Systemio is based on capturing leads on a landing page where your prospects clearly allow you to contact them again, which is called “permission marketing”. If you need to send cold emails then there are more better systems like …

Can we upgrade or downgrade the Systeme plan anytime?

Yes, of course. Just make sure to make the switch 48 hours before your monthly payments.

What if I want to cancel my subscription?

You can cancel at any time. This is the beauty of the monthly recurring services. The pressure is on them! They must deserve your money each month. And that’s why I prefer personally paying by the month every recurring system I use.

Can I change my plan after starting the free trial?

Of course! First log in to your dashboard here. Then click on the link about your current plan at the extreme left. There you will find big blue buttons to upgrade the free plan to the level of service you need for your business. 

What payement processor can I connect to my sales page in ?

As of January 2023 you can connect PayPal, Stripe, Flutterwave, MercadoPago, Mollie, and Razorpay. The founder and the team shared on the facebook group that they are is working on adding new payment processors. This seems to be one of the most asked-for even, begged-for 🙂  from the users.

Is there any refund policy?

As mentioned in their term of use: “Please note that our subscription plans are not refundable!”

And between entrepreneurs, we can understand that, because uses the monthly payments plan.

Does offer a lifetime deal?

Yes! please Read our entire article about the direct lifetime deal and the sneaky Our Final Thoughts

You probably get it now. 

Our final opinion on is globally very positive. It is the first feature-rich All-in-One Marketing System for under 30$/month that maintains its promises. Despite some negative points (and bugs), we appreciate its evolution since its launch in 2017. Today, is a versatile, useful and inexpensive. 

Its various formulas are adapted to both beginners solo-entrepreneur and small and medium-sized businesses. Its automations make your life easier.

A unique tool that may quickly becomes indispensable after a few weeks of use. 

So for all these reasons, in our opinion, Yes, Systemeio is still the best funnel builder in 2023!

A propos de l'Auteur


Salut! C'est Jimmy. Je fais du digital marketing depuis 2010. Plus de 1887 Clients payants jusqu’à maintenant … J’ai hâte de l’arrondir à 2000 ;)
Mon pain quotidien c'est les formations numériques (+12 lancées) et les Tunnels de Vente. J’ai une agence de Marketing digital.

Je peux vous aider en Copywriting, Création de Tunnel de Vente, Optimisation des chiffres de conversion KPI, Publicité Facebook, Google Ads,


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